Calm A Confused Mind

by Anna Erickson


It hurt being confused. One of the scariest feelings is uncertainty. Unsure on where to look, what to take up and what to put down.

You might know the feeling. You hit a certain point and it’s goodbye neon clothes, sparkly lip gloss, and hello to your first drink, your first time on your knees, late nights, love, hate, and betrayal. It’s a rush. It’s exciting, it’s new, it’s what you’ve been waiting for. You move around gathering experience, hearing stories, and begin to tell you own. I loved it, you love it too - it’s natural to. Sometimes I hated it, the fights and misunderstanding - it all comes together and falls apart.

I reached a certain point, a sort of shift. Not that I didn’t love it anymore or anything, not that I wanted to stop, but instead I wanted something more - realer friends, something to my name, something I could be proud of, a self I could be happy with. Perhaps just craving love and loyalty, perhaps wishing for innocence I had before this all started. Walking through crowds of difference - and I loved the variety, but now it was time to create my own. You’ll reach this point, even if you haven’t yet, but it will click one day. I found myself looking at my own reflection asking myself how to move forward. A confused mess of mind in need of organizing. Here’s how I did it - through the process these are the most important things I’ve learned.

Establish Your Beliefs What I’ve found is there is no “right” belief, no faith that established overwhelming clarity for everyone. Instead, everyone believes in something different. It’s your job to find what works for you, whatever makes you tick - find that. Find what comforts you, grounds you, betters you, and lets you understand you have a larger purpose. No matter if it’s a legacy, a process, a religion, or the universe, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that it works for you. Once you have faith in something greater than yourself it will give you the security you need to overcome challenges and adversity you face.

Create A Relationship With Yourself Listen, this is the most important point on this list. Why is it that we take care of everyone else first then ourselves? The most important person is you. You're the one who's going to create your own path and make your life work for you. Creating a relationship with yourself will get you to further understand your talents, thoughts, strengths, weakness, insecurities, and needs. Take time to ask yourself what you desire from life. Take time to meditate. Self care is so important - to refuel you mind and body, as well as an act of self love. Know yourself and love yourself before anyone else.

Gather Inspiration On Who You Want To Be Having a clear vision on who you want to be and what you want your life to look like will be helpful work towards your goals. For everyone this is different, rather you desire a luxury car, a mindset of positivity, or more sensual demeanor, keep this in mind as you grow into yourself. Always stay inspired and look for new things. The world is here for you - explore all its places and what it has to offer.

Take Your Health Seriously Both mentally and physically, take your health seriously. Seriously. Don’t trash your mind or your body, take care of them both. Mentally it’s important to declutter - you can do this through journaling, speaking to someone confidentially, or through meditation. Our minds are being stimulated all day, taking time to pause and be calm is important to reducing stress and mind fogs. Fill your mind with love and positivity to move towards a healthier state. Physically, learn to eat mindfully and stay active. This will increase your energy levels and make you feel good that you are doing something right for yourself.

Learn The Value of Education, Money, and Sexuality Knowing the value of education, money, and sexuality will change you how you see the world and how you live you life. All of these are highly impactful to society today and we can’t ignore the reality that each influenced other people’s perception of you. Learn what you can on each topic. First, self education will change your life. Always learn new things and developing your mind will enrich your life and expand your ability to understand. Secondly, if you’re broke it’s time to start making money - the feeling of having your own is amazing. Lastly, your sexuality will help you connect with yourself on a personal level, knowing and exploring your preferences you will develop a better understanding of yourself.

You Can Be Pure I always struggled with the idea of purity. Thinking that due to things that I have done in the past for some reason I couldn’t fully start over, or that I could never be clean. But in reality that is all imagination. Humans are made to change, adapt, and recreate themselves. Any day you can decide to start fresh, any moment you can chose to live life for yourself and not another person. You can make changes always, no matter where you are right not, or how old you are. You can always be spotless and whole.

Understand Timing It doesn’t happen overnight, and don’t force it to. Trust the process and in time it will all unfold. This is all about you, just like you don’t rush from the cradle to walking, take care of yourself and with baby steps you will get to a fuller life. Unlocking brilliance and clarity. After all, it’s okay to be confused. We all are. Life is going up and down, it’s important we learn and experience all parts. It will all work out eventually if you are sending out good energy it will come back to you.